Do you want to help the child at the Furaha Centre in Kenya?

Become involved in the „Give me your helping hand” Project.
You can become one of our donors through your help in the “Give me your helping hand” project (called a spiritual adoption of a child in Kenya). Donating 100PLN a month you support a particular child with cerebral palsy or autism providing everyday food and therapy for that child.
How can you support “Give me your helping hand” project?
1. Choose one child you want to help (the photos of the children who are not looked after are black and white)
2.Fill in the form entering the name of the chosen children – Fill the form.
3. Send the form completed and signed to together with the payment confirmation.
4.If you want to pay in PLN, choose the following bank account number:
Bank ING 96 1050 1445 1000 0090
5. If you want to pay in EURO, choose the following bank account number::
Bank ING PL 95 1050 1445 1000 0090
6. If you want to pay in USD, choose the following bank account number:
Bank ING PL 83 1050 1445 1000 0090 8056 3050transfer description: Give me your helping hand – first and last name of the child..