Together with “Walk or Wheel with Me” in Poland.
13th July 2019 – a very unique day for many people.
We wanted to do something good and share the happiness.
Happiness means FURAHA in the Swahili 😍
On this day in Meru, Kenya the Furaha Centre organised the charity march. The aim of this march was to increase the awareness and get the support for the Furaha Centre where children with cerebral palsy and autism get free therapy.
For the Furaha Centre these children are “Exceptional” ❤💖😍
The motto of the march was “Walk or Wheel with Me” ❤💖😍
We could walk too. ❤💖😍
We could join them too. ❤💖😍
We could support the idea and help these incredible children ❤💖😍
Wherever you are –> when you went for a walk with these children in your heart, you joined the idea and the activities of the Furaha Centre 🤩❤💖😍
Marek Gierszewski – one of our ambassadors wanted to mentally support the March and walk the same distance at the same time.
❤ We could not be in Meru to take part in the event, but we could walk a nominal distance here in Poland. 😍
We did it in RADOM, POLAND 😍
We managed to start at the same time, at 9.00a.m (10.00a.m. in Meru) and have a short walk to show our support. 🤩❤
💖😍 14 people from Radom met at Stary Ogród Park in Radom and walked 2 kilometres together.
The participants of this short walk stood our from the crowd by wearing the Furaha bracelets, Kenyan origin scarves and a colourful shirt. 🤩
While walking, the children were distributing the Help Furaha Foundation flyers with the information about our projects.
We are very grateful to Marek Gierszewski for his idea. We also want to express our gratitude toward the people who took part in this walk 🙂